Over the years, we have found knowledgeable and helpful resources that we wish to share. We shall add to this list as new ones are brought to our attention.

We have many resources available to the research, agricultural, culinary, botanical, medical and consulting communities. Please contact us with questions or for more information.


Effects of Growing Techniques on Yield, Grade, and Fusarium Infestation Levels in Garlic. By Crystal Stewart, Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Program and Robert Hadad, Cornell Vegetable Program


Alerts! Pest & Disease Alerts


Crystal Stewart, CCE Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program and Frank Hay, Ph.D., Department of Integrated Plant Sciences, NYSAES, Geneva NY

White rot is the most significant disease affecting allium production world wide, and has resurfaced in the New York garlic industry after a long period of eradication. Positive samples were collected in 2016 from Eastern, Central and Western New York, indicating that the disease is widespread. As with other soilborne pathogen, white rot can be persistent and devastating. However, careful management can reduce inoculum, and because the pathogen is spread by seed and soil, it is also possible to prevent its spread into uninfested fields. More


Press Release: Harrisburg, PA - Agriculture Secretary Alerts Residents Of New Invasive Threat, Stresses Need for Containment

More Information: In December 2015, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the Penn State Extension, confirmed the presence the Allium leafminer (Phytomyza gymnostoma (LOEW)) in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. This is the first detection of this non-native species, also known as the onion leafminer, in the United States. Additional infestations were found in Chester, Lehigh, Dauphin, and Delaware counties in the spring of 2016, expanding the known range of this pest. Surveys are ongoing to determine other areas in Pennsylvania have been impacted. More


Stem & Bulb Nematode confirmed in NY State Garlic! This is a serious pest that can destroy your entire garlic crop. We must all take heed.... More


Useful Resources

How Many Garlics Are There?

Dr. Gayle Volk
Long term garlic storage (at -200° C)

Dr. Gayle Volk
National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation
Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA

ATTRA (Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas)

Prepared garlic production packet available. They also will answer any question on sustainable agriculture. No charge

Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
P.O. Box 3657
Fayetteville, AR 72702
phone: 800.346.9140

Garlic Seed Foundation

Available to share information on production and consumption for all peoples.

Garlic Seed Foundation
c/o Rose Valley Farm
Rose, NY 14542-0149
phone: 315.587.9787

BIRC (Bio-Integral Resource Center)

Information on the use of garlic in pest control.
Note: Garlic Press #30

Bio-Integral Resource Center
Box 7414
Berkley, CA 94707

Philipp Simon

Phil has worked on true seed production, the genetics and DNA of garlic, and journeyed to collect garlic around the world.

Philipp Simon
Dept. of Horticulture
UW - Madison, WI 53706

Organic Gardening
For many years OG has carried articles on the cultivation and use of garlic in the home garden. Some good, some humorous.
Note: Garlic Press #39

Organic Gardening
Rodale Press
33 E. Minor St.
Emmaus, PA 18098

Barbara Hellier and Rich Hannon
Curators of the USDA garlic collection that is located in Pullman and make plant material available to growers.

Barbara Hellier and Rich Hannon
Western Regional Plant Introduction Station
Pullman, WA 99164-6402
phone: 509.335.1502

John Zandstra
John has conducted production research and worked in the Canadian garlic industry.

John Zandstra
Research Horticulturist
Ridgetown College, U. of Guelph
Ridgetown, Ontario, Canada NOP 2C0
phone: 519.674.1627

Peter Josling

GSF European contact

The Garlic Information Centre
Saberdene House
Church Road
Catsfield Battle, East Sussex UK TN339 DP

Maria Cantwell

CA garlic information

Maria Cantwell
Department of Vegetable Crops
UC Davis
Davis, CA 95616 USA

Eric Block, Ph.D.

Expert on sulfur chemistry

Dr. Eric Block
Chemistry Department
SUNY Albany
Albany, NY 12222 USA

Larry Lawson Ph.D.

Garlic and its effect on human body chemistry

Larry Lawson
Plant Bioactive
95 S. Mountainway Drive
Orem, UT 84085 USA

Seed Savers Exchange

Collectors and traders of plant materials

Seed Savers Exchange
3076 N. Winn Road
Delorah, Iowa 52101 USA

Ron Brammall Ph.D.

Garlic diseases

Ron Brammall
Brammall PhytoTech, Inc.
P.O. Box 48
Veness, Ontario Canada

Center for Rural Affairs

Preservation of rural America

Center for Rural Affairs
P.O. Box 406
Walthill, NE 68067 USA

Garlic Growers of Ontario (Canada)

Represents garlic industry in Ontario, publishers of the Garlic Grail

Garlic Growers of Ontario
38 Centre Street
Stratford, Ontario Canada N5A-IE3

Bill Randle Ph.D.

Extension agent in Vidalia Country

Bill Randle
Department of Horticulture
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602 USA

Please contact the GSF (Garlic Seed Foundation, Rose Valley Farm, Rose, NY 14542-0149) for garlic growers in your area. All land grant Universities have extension agents, pathologists, entomologists (etc.) available to all growers. Each state has a Horticulture Society, Association of Vegetable Growers, and Communities of Organic Producers available to assist you.

There is more information on the health effects of garlic that could ever be put in one place and the Web has many thousands of references using a search engine and key words: "garlic, cardiovascular", "garlic, cancer", etc.

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